Ádvent = Hit, Remény, béke, öröm, és szeretet.
Advent = Faith, Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.
hosted by the Hungarian Association of the Sacramento Area
Dátum: 2024. December 7. de. 11-től du. 4-ig
Hely: 327 Main St, Roseville, CA 95678
Date: December 7th, 2024, from 11:00 am until 4 pm
Place: 327 Main St, Roseville, CA 95678
(on the ground floor of the Polish American Community Hall)
Local, Hungarian, and International Products, Artisan Treats, Festive Gifts
Please come and check out all the selections. Do your Christmas
and Holiday shopping, and support your local artisans and vendors at this year's Advent Market hosted by HunASA.
Share this page/flyer with your friends. We hope to see you at the market!
For an effortless shopping experience, please bring cash.
hosted by the Hungarian Association of the Sacramento Area
Dátum: 2023. December 2. de. 11-től du. 4-ig
Hely: 327 Main St, Roseville, CA 95678
Date: December 2nd, 2023, from 11:00 am until 4 pm
Place: 327 Main St, Roseville, CA 95678
(on the ground floor of the Polish American Community Hall)
Local, Hungarian, and International Products, Artisan Treats, Festive Gifts
Selections will include:
Szaloncukor / Hungarian Christmas Candy
Magyar Kolbászfajták és Hústermékek / Prepacked Hungarian Sausage Varieties
Házi Péksütemények és Édességek / Homebaked Pastries and Sweets
Tea Sütemények / Macarons and Coffee Cakes
Pogácsa / Savory Biscuits
Jimmy’s Paprika Krém / Jimmy’s Paprika Cream (mildly spicy)
Savanyúkáposzta / Traditional Hungarian Sauerkraut
Helyi Méz / Local Honey
Oliva Olaj / Olive Oil
Korondi Kerámia / Pottery from Korond, Transylvania (traditional)
Helyi Kerámiatárgyak / Locally Made Pottery
Quillezett Üdvözlőlapok / Quilled Greeting Cards
Kecsketej Termékek (szappanok, krémek) / Goat Milk Artisanal Products (Soaps, Lotions, etc)
Illóolajok / Essential Oils
Műköröm Készletek / Nail Arts
Kézműves Ékszerek / Handmade Jewelry
Horgolt és Kötött Ajéndékok / Crocheted and Knitted Gifts
Hímzett Ajándéktárgyak / Embroidered Gifts
Használt Magyar Könyvek / Secondhand Hungarian Books
At the Advent Market, we’ll be selling freshly baked Hungarian Sausage
with mustard and bread for $10 while supplies last!
Please come and check out all the selections. Do your Christmas
and Holiday shopping, and support your local artisans and vendors at this year's Advent Market hosted by HunASA.
Share this page/flyer with your friends. We hope to see you at the market!
For an effortless shopping experience, please bring cash.
hosted by the Hungarian Association of the Sacramento Area
Dátum: 2022. December 3. de. 11-től du. 4-ig
Hely: 327 Main St, Roseville, CA 95678
Date: December 3rd, 2022, from 11:00 am until 4:00 pm
Place: 327 Main St, Roseville, CA 95678
(Polish American Community Hall)
Hungarian and Local Products, Festive Treats, Artisan Gifts
Please come and check out all selections and do your Christmas
and Holiday Shopping at this year's Advent Market hosted by HunASA.
Dátum / Date: 2019. 11. 14.
Hely / Place: Rush Park, Citrus Heights, CA